I have been diligently knitting away on my tank top, now titled "Pixlexia" (after one of my favorite characters- Venelope - from Wreck-it Ralph). I am so glad the color work sections are done, they were a pain to knit! I am still a bit worried about sizing, since the color work parts are tending to pull in a bit. Hopefully once I put it on that will be fixed. I am about an inch away from dividing for front and back and then the rest should fly by. I really want this done by next week: A new pair of socks is calling my name!
Also, I am considering submitting this somewhere or self publishing. I know that if I do so I can't have photos online (I'd delete them). Any suggestions? Should I ???
I spent last Saturday afternoon sitting in a field at a park a block from my house working on this watercolor painting. I did it ALL from life, which explains why I am so darn proud of it. When I set out to paint this scene I didn't imagine it would turn out this good, in fact I expected it to be a flop. Why did I paint the gazebo? My friend Jessica is getting married here this coming Saturday, and I woke up last Saturday with an idea to paint them a picture of their wedding spot as my gift. I plan to write "Where two hearts became one" at the top once I mat it.
And I finally started a summer painting for myself. I had an amazing critique and discussion with my painting professor that gave me a lot of ideas for future works. Since I can't do oils at home this summer, I decided to get some gouache and do some smaller "study" paintings. I didn't think I'd like painting with gouache but it turns out I LOVE IT. This was just an hour so far, but I can't wait to get off work at 5 tonight and paint some more!
And that my friends, is why I am feeling "Artsy Fartsy" today :P I hope the rest of the week flies by and that I am able to enjoy every minute of it. Happy Wednesday!
And for more WIP's -- Tami's Amis!
Max waiting for the mice to come out and play! (My camera has had some focus issues lately...)