Tuesday, April 24, 2012

3KCBWDAY2 - Art and Fibers!

First off, my 5 random blogs for the day :

Ok, so today's challenge was to incorporate your craft into an interesting photo. I gotta admit, I had a very hard time deciding how and what I wanted to do for this. In the end I decided to incorporate some of my current drawing homework (which I will discuss in a later post) into it.

Pair that with my current spinning project and you have a work of art!

 Sorry it's such a short post, but it's been a long day and I don't have much to say about this. I can't wait to share what I've been drawing with you all, I know you will love it!



  1. Ah, I love seeing your spindle art! It is always so fantastic!

    1. That's not spindle art :/ It's tree art! But it does look the same, and I have been doing more spindle art lately.

  2. Awesome photo, Lisa! I love how the yarn melds so well with your drawing: it's very organic and soothing to look at. Beautiful!

  3. That is so cool...was just about to write almost exactly what Sara wrote. Reminds me a bit of Escher. :-)

  4. Oooh, great photo, I love it - almost fractal :)

  5. What incredible homework you have! I want to hear all about it -so keep us posted! I love the way your spinning and drawing are are informing each other.

  6. Short but lovely :)
    Your artwork is beautiful!

  7. Wow, what a beautiful picture! It's striking without the yarn, but including the yarn made it even better!

  8. It looks like a tree to me, and I love trees, friends tease me cause I say they speak to me. Favorite poem of all time is in fact, The Tree.

  9. Looking forward to hearing more about your drawing. Interesting picture!

  10. Hey! Thanks for mentioning my blog...I'm glad you like it! :-)


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