Monday, July 25, 2011

Yet another distraction from my school work

Well what can I say, between summer school, work, preparing to move, and knitting, I've been pretty busy. So why take up a new hobby? I don't know. But I went to Wicked Stitch this last weekend and purchased my first real drop spindle and now it's all I can think about. The picture below is the 'before'. It's purple and black roving I purchased back in April when I first learned on my CD and dowel rod.

And here is my spindle, my baby, my new found obsession. I'm so excited about this because I am achieving such thin strands (What I want) and it looks SO pretty!

And here's a close up of my work in progress. Once I spin a lot more I'll spin 2 strands together to make real yarn.

And here's my first batch on my new spindle, that I wound off the spindle to make more room. This is a little bit thicker than the above, but it was also my first.

I really don't know why I keep giving myself more to do, I mean school starts in four ish weeks and then I'll be crazy busy, without getting my knitting/spinning obsession involved. Put them in the mix, and it means no life for me! At least I'll be with my friends in our apartment so I'll see them.

I think that's all for now! Time to do some homework and then tackle some more spinning.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Thank you Harry

Last night was practically a defining moment in my life. Yes, it was just a movie, but at the same time is was so much more than that; it was the ending of an era, something millions of people will agree on.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2

First, I would like to begin by saying that, yes I knew what was going to happen, because the book has been out for almost 3 years. That's not the point though, because to me, the movies and books are their own separate entities, each having their good and bad points. However, of all the movies they've made, I would like to say that besides the first 2, this was definitely the truest to the book. They had to change some things to match what they changed in others, but in the end it all worked out.

Harry Potter. I wasn't into it the way a lot of other people my age were: I didn't even get into the books until around the time the 4th was released. I was never upset if I could catch it at midnight, and I was never a complete nerd about it. But at the end of this movie, when yes, I cried, I realized that this is the end of something big. So many people have grown up with these books. learning life lessons big and small.

  • The difference between good and evil
  • What true friendship really is.
  • Never give up
  • Learning to let go of things
  • So many more that I can not even think of right now
Harry Potter will forever live on, and even though there are so many other 'magic' books and series, Harry Potter trumps them all. J.K. Rowling is a literary genius and her stories will never be forgotten.

For me, the best part of this movie is of course when we finally learn Snape's motives. That chapter of the book has been my favorite since the book came out, and when it came up in the movie, I prayed they wouldn't mess it up-- it reveals so much and cutting that down would be a bad idea. I would like to say, happily, that they weren't messing around, they did it justice and then some.

In fact they did the whole book justice. Every scene was filmed so well, even the cheesy epilogue. In the end, it leaves the viewer with a sense of knowing that Harry's adventures have come to an end and although millions of fans everywhere were left crying and sad that their favorite boy wizard has finally grown up they were also left with a sense of closure and happiness knowing that the movie did it right and Harry will live on forever.

Thank you Harry Potter


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Guess who's back?

Hey world! I'm back in the states!

So the flights went completely smoothly, thank god. I got home today and did some shopping and then went bowling with my friends! It's good to be back.

Back to classes and work tomorrow :(

A lot of you are probably wondering what will become of this blog now. I still plan to update with my knitting and art projects, so if you're interested, keep watching!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Skittles and Shopping

Packing stinks. The end.

Ok so not, but still, this is no fun.

Today I got up and did last minute shopping. Bought more cute clothes and souvenirs.

After I got back we walked to Edinburgh's Oldest Pub, The Sheeps Heid, and rented their super old bowling lane, or as they called it, skittles lane. The balls don't have holes and you have to reset the pins by hand, but it was fun! I really enjoyed myself. I also had my last legal drink, cider again. We then walked back and now I'm here packing! Fun fun fun!

I'll post when I'm back in the states.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Today was Angelica's 21st birthday, what a great place to celebrate in!

We started off by going to the writer's museum, where I saw some stuff on Hume, which made me think of my Aunt, who studies him. I read a little of it....I'll probably learn more in Philo of Art next semester.

We then hit up lunch at a Grassmarket Italian place, where I had very amazing lasagna. And a strawberry tart! Yum!

Since it was Angelica's birthday, she got to make our plans, and chose shopping at the King James Mall. I would have picked somewhere else, but I'm gonna go alone tomorrow so no big deal. I did walk out with another cute top and a pair of shoes...that may be too big actually, but I'll grow into them. Either way we enjoyed ourselves.

There's a take away pizza place near our flats, so we got pizza's for dinner before coming back and just chilling.

Since it was her 21st we ended up going to a pub across the street (We've known about it all this time and this is the first time we went, and it was awesome) to get drinks. I had a pineapple daquari, which was really good. Then we came home and played telephone pictionary. So anyways, that was my Saturday. I so don't want to start packing, I have such a mess here.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Galleries and Graveyards

So good news, the Hostel found my card, I'll have it back tomorrow. Bad news, my camera is still not really working, so looks like I need a new one. Wish I wasn't so damn clumsy.

Anyways, today we planned to go to the Scotland National Gallery (About time!) this morning, but on the way we came across a parade down High Street celebrating the opening of parliment today, so we watched that first then headed to the gallery. I have never seen so many bagpipes in one place.

At the gallery, I explored, and I really enjoyed it. I saw a few pieces we actually studied in Art History, which is always nice. I always see artists from that class, but this was the first time I ever saw the actual works from that class. I really am glad that he decided to take us there.

We hit up lunch, and then the art supply store, and then separated. I was going to go do some sketching at Greyfrier Graveyard, but on the way I passed a knitware shop, so naturally I had to go in. And....I walked out with this: Cute overlay vest. Don't go freaking out, I didn't buy both of those, just to overlay vest, because it was one of the cheaper items and super cute on me. The one I got was purple with orange accents. I seriously think if I can match it right, I'll where it a lot. The guy that was working there was also very nice, we talked a bunch about Scotland and knitting and etc. I really hope that I made a good investment, even though I still want an actual wool sweater too.

After that I did finally hit up the graveyard, where I stayed for about an hour and half just drawing perspective thumbnails of tombstones. I probably could have done more, but I wasn't feeling it like I hoped, and the perspective stuff was harder than I thought it would be. When I get back I think I'll do some oil paintings of graveyards and castles, because I love drawing perspective, but I haven't ever tried painting it and I want to do more from this trip then just my sketchbook.

So we just ordered dinner, I'm getting Lamb Donor Kabobs, something I haven't tried yet, so this could be good. I think the plan for tonight is to stay in, so maybe I'll sketch some more or something.

I really need to hit royal mile tomorrow for last minute gifts and goods for me, so I hope I have time to do so. It's also Angelica's birthday so we're doing something for that, but I hope it isn't all day- I really want to shop, but I'd rather go alone. I guess there is always Sunday though.

Packing is gonna be hell, but I can't believe I'm down to 2 and a half days!


PS: I feel like a blog shouldn't be so straight forward, as in I get to 'ranty' and put in stuff people don't need to know. Sorry, I'm still new to this and I don't know how to make it sound like a cute novel yet.

Edited to remove some of my ranting about the sweater thing.