Well here we are, the end of another month, what is happening with time?
With my February Socks done, it only feels fitting to dedicate today's post to them in all their pink glory But as I started taking photos I realized that I have something else I can discuss: Shoes. We all have our favorite pair(s), for running, working, relaxing. But do we all have a favorite pair for showing off our handknit socks? As knitters, I hope the answer is a resounding "Yes!".
My current go-to pair for pretty much everywhere is this woven pair of CCResort shoes. The woven design is super fun and the denim color matches my jeans as well as several skirts I own. Plus the open top is perfect for showing off some socks. I will definitely be ordering more pairs of these in the future.
What better way to show off handknit socks then with knitted shoes? Haha ok so they aren't actually "knitted", just drawn with the knit stitches by yours truly. If you look at my photo close enough you'll see that this pair has gotten tons and tons of wear. But they're still so much fun to wear when I have the chance.
(want your own pair? Click here!)
This pair of black, flat shoes is one of my standards for work, seeing as we have to dress business casual. Although I somehow get away with pair them with crazy socks. Maybe that's because I'm the art teacher??? Either way, this pair works well with bare or socked feet and was a clearance pair at Payless last fall. Total score!
But some days I just want to sit around with no shoes, showing off my crazy socks in all their glory.
I finished the watermelon socks this past Sunday, just in time to get cracking on a pair for March (haven't decided what to use yet though). I really like the fit that I was finally able to get and the pattern plays nice with this yarn. There is just enough minty green in these to accent the various shades of pink and the photo above is the best representation of color I've been able to get.
What about you guys? Do you have a favorite pair of shoes for your handknit socks? Or a favorite pair in general? I'd love to hear more!
Happy March!
Oh, the socks look so so cozy!! I just have to finish my first pair already!!!