Monday, January 2, 2017

2017: [Another] New Start

I said this last year when I switched the layout and name of my blog to The Knitting Artist, but I want to start fresh. Blogging has always been an important way for me to share my feelings and ideas about art, knitting and life. It's just that there have been so many other means to do so lately that somehow the blog got pushed aside.

Hopefully this is no more, as I am going to try and update weekly with my thoughts and ideas, sharing with you what is on my needles and on my easel.

I wanted to start with a look back at the year that was.


This year I logged 20 FO's on Ravelry, and I am sure that I completed at least 5 or more that were not logged (yet).  Oddly enough, most of them were fast, 'instant gratification' projects, started and completed after I started my two new jobs.  That is also around the same time that I stopped painting for a bit. I definitely see a connection.

In case you're wandering, a few of my favorites were the "Purple Mountains Socks" and the "Texas Sea Glass".


I cannot believe I did not share on here the biggest thing to happen this year: My first actual gallery solo show!  Taking place at a space in Downtown Bryan, TX, "Lollipops & Gumdrops" featured a whole new body of work along with a mural and installation.  The whole thing went by without a hitch and gathered much praise.

The gallery space was a very long space, thus getting a full on photo was really hard. I was able to pull off this mural in approx 8 hours over two evenings. I am very pleased with it and have sense booked a second show with the same idea for this coming month.

Above are all of the paintings featured in the show, so maybe that explains the title?  If you are curious to see more, check out my artist website, which was recently completely revamped!


Many other things are happening in my life right now, including the completion of my first semester teaching High School Art at our local Catholic school. It's been whirlwind, but in a good way. I think I have found my path for awhile.  Not saying that art making won't still be happening.

At the same time as my show last September I also self-published a book with most of my paintings paired with their poems. I am really proud that I was able to pull it off and have received a lot of good feedback.  Interested in a copy? Stitch Stories on Amazon

I also have a new show opening in less than two weeks, at a new space in San Antonio - Mantle Art Space. If you are in the area, you should come by on Saturday, Jan 14th from 7-10. I always love meeting fellow knitters.

I have four different WIPS right now, two of which are pretty much on hiatus due to lazy-ness. The other two I have been bouncing back and forth between. I'm sure I am not the only one to do that.  Factor in the rarely worked on wrap for my mom and my laceweight sweater and that's technically six WIPS. Wow oh wow.

As always, I will leave you with a nice little LOLcat :)


1 comment:

Even if you are just saying Hello, I always love hearing from you :)