Friday, January 9, 2015

Art Happenings

Finally Friday! Although it's been a cold, wet one here in TX. I am not enjoying this weather...

I realized earlier this week that I haven't shared any of my most recent art on my blog lately, and I knew that needed to change. So today I finally got around to taking some photos. 

Since around Thanksgiving time I have been working on a larger scale knit sculpture. I really want to start creating human sized, full room knit installation worlds. This is the next step for me. The big cone is about 2 feet tall and took over 2 months to knit. I was actually going to have it be a giant bowl when I started, but I got impatient and decided to make a cone instead. I am not sure if this installation is complete yet: I feel like it needs something. 

If it took 2 months to knit the one cone, than this full room idea is going to take longer than I thought....

"Whispering Dawn Thunder"

Also after Thanksgiving, I decided to start painting on wood panels. I had done a bit on smooth surfaces since moving to Navasota and enjoyed it, so I wanted to give it a try in my own art. I also wanted to go back to the landscapes - I missed them after painting the weird ball sculptures - and simplify my colors. Working on the smooth surface really helped me to do that. Wood doesn't absorb paint like canvas, so you end up just layering on strokes and if you're not careful you can get a muddy mess. Luckily I was able to figure it out. 

"Cold Dandelion Trickle"

These are also smaller, 12 x 16 to be exact. This is mostly due to me not wanting to pay a ton for my wood. But I'm really liking this size. If you look at my website you will see all four of my new works since I started this. I have two more in process and am hoping to keep making these for a bit. Another thing you may notice if you see my 2015 art page is that they all are more cohesive in theme. I am trying to branch out a bit and start making more "Series" of works that revolve around a single aspect. This group of paintings is all about being trapped/restricted/caved in and wanting to get out. I hope it's showing through in my works. 

And finally, a gallery shot of where my art hangs at the house ! 

I also wanted to take a moment to share some spectacular news. As this residency program ends in a month or so, I have begun a lot of soul searching about my next move. It's been so tough trying to decide if I want to stay in the Bryan/College Station area of if I want to move somewhere with more art (Houston, Austin...). Well after talking to some of my good friends in the Bryan art area, they convinced me to stay around. And after I decided on that....wait for it... The Arts Council (that hosts our program) offered me a job! So I will be staying in TX for a while, working with the council and teaching all of their workshops and classes. I am really excited for the opportunity and the fact that they believe in me so much. 

Weekly Inspirations:
Knitting: I love the Brazos Valley Knitting Guild. We had our meeting last night and show and tell time is always my favorite. So many amazing projects were shared and now I want to cast on everything! Pine Bough CowlNurmilintu, and Tenticulum are just three of the lovelies.
Art: Something that has really been inspiring me lately is Mic Check Poetry in Bryan. I got almost every week and the poets and their words always leave an impact.
Food: I finally updated my food blog. I keep taking pictures and then never sharing them! Over Christmas I made-up a gnocchi recipe with canned tomatoes. I really liked it (but my dad, Mr. Picky had other thoughts).
Life: New Year, new resolutions> I am trying really hard to get back into my old exercise and eating habits, but it's harder than it should be. Especially with this nasty rain.

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. I always love sharing my life with everyone and hearing what you all have to say.



  1. Your artwork is really blossoming. It sounds like you found the perfect job.

  2. Congratulations on the new job!!
    The artwork is creative and wonderful as always.
    The pine bough cowl is one I too have been eyeing. It will be fun to see which one you knit:)


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