So right now I'm sitting outside my drawing classroom waiting to go to Figure Drawing (GAG--I hate drawing nude people XD ) which isn't for another 30 minutes (I have NO life) and I'm the only one in the hall (Further proof I have NO life) and I decided to update my blog (final proof I have NO life!).
Anyways, I have another of my Disney Mini drawings, along with a bracelet I made last week.
This is my most recent bead loom bracelet, made using different shades of opaque blue. I then sewed white felt to the back and created a border of black seed beads. I like this bracelet but I don't like how I completed it. I wanted something besides just letting the felt show, so I went with the bead border, but it didn't work out very well (but you can't tell in the picture). Overall I like the coloring on this piece and that's about it.
I'm trying to make atleast one bracelet for every color so that I can match my bracelet to my outfit/shirt ('cuz I'm weird like that). So far I have purple, green, and blue, with an orange one in the works.
This is my latest Disney Mini Drawing and it's for Alice in Wonderland. I know that I usually go with the single color thing, and I will admit this drawing seems a bit 'busy' but I couldn't help it. 1) Nothing in her outfit/style matched the color of an important object, 2) she looks really good with the many colors and 3) there were too many important objects in the movie to include just one. The objects are from top to bottom: smoke from the caterpillar's pipe, the mushroom you eat to grow/shrink, the heart for the queen of hearts, and then the watch that belongs to the rabbit. Overall I like this picture and it's one of my best-- I actually drew Alice to look like her but also get the 'realism' style.
So in general, life has been kinda crazy lately. I have studio for school, plus normal school (and 2 tests I don't want to study for at all) along with the things i've been trying to accomplish in my free time (drawing, knitting, loom-- all of which have on going projects right now that are like half done) and just being social (which hardly happens). So overall, that's my life and whether I like it or not, it's all I got. :D